
Emil Goguen

Emil Goguen
Alternate name(s): 
Gougen; Gouguen; Emile
Date of birth: 
7 January, 1900
Abraham Lincoln Battalion, Machine Gun Company from 5 June 1937; Later with the 35th Artillery Battery, 4th Group, Anti-tank/Anti-aircraft Battery (129th Brigade); Sergeant from 11 February 1938; Served at Brunete, Quinto, Teruel, Castellon and Levante

Israel Goldenberg

Israel Goldenberg
Alternate name(s): 
Goldberg; Budich; Budish; Isadore; Joe; Jose
Date of Birth: 
13 Oct 1909 or 15 Apr 1906
Trained with the 2nd Battalion of Instruction; 15th Brigade, Dimitrov Battalion, Company 1 at the Jarama Front; Service Sanitaire, Jarama Sector as Secretary of Administration from 15 November 1937 at Villa Paz and Castellego; Responsible for 90 Mariano Cubi, Barcelona from 15 April 1938 until August 1938; Rank of Soldato

Antal Gombas

Alternate name(s): 
Anthony Gombos
Date of Birth: 
circa 1905

Joe Gordon

Date of Birth: 
circa 1914
Medical Unit; Blood Transfusion Institute

Robert James Gordon

Alternate name(s): 
Date of birth: 
14 June, 1914
Mackenzie Papineau Battalion, Company 2 as political delegate; Servicio Hispano-Canadiense de Transfusión de Sangre (Spanish-Canadian Blood Transfusion Institute); Served at Fuentes de Ebro, Teruel, Segura de los Banos, Aragon
