
Edward Paul Cecil-Smith

Edward Cecil-Smith
Date of birth: 
10 March, 1903
Trained at Madrigueras and attended Officer Training School; Washington Battalion, Company 2, Company commander; Mackenzie Papineau Battalion, Company 1, Company commander; Promoted to Mackenzie Papineau Battalion Commander shortly after Fuentes; Promoted to Major 23 January 1938 because of actions at Teruel; Served at Brunete, Fuentes de Ebro, Teruel, Segura de los Baños, the Retreats, and the Ebro Offensive

Stefan Chalimoniuk

Stefan Chalimoniuk
Alternate name(s): 
Steven; Chalemaniuk; Chalimanuck
Date of Birth: 
circa 1899
Bartosz Glawacki Battery, Commander

Alex Chambers

Alternate name(s): 
James; Jim
Date of birth: 
2 March, 1898
Abraham Lincoln Battalion, Company 1; Mackenzie Papineau Battalion, Company 3, Section 2, signaller; Transmissions, telegraphist in Falset in July 1938; Sargent; Served at Quinto, Fuentes de Ebro, Teruel, Segura de los Baños, Aragon, Ebro Offensive

Feofan Charczuk

Alternate name(s): 
Steofan; Teofan
Kharchuk; Charcyuk
Date of Birth: 
circa 1907

Van Rensalaier Chase Junior

Date of birth: 
6 January, 1914
Mackenzie Papineau Battalion; Spanish 24/59 Battalion; 15 Brigade: Transmissions; Brigade Headquarters, Estado Mayor, Telephonist

Norman Chaudoin

Alternate name(s): 
George; Chardon; Chaudom, Chardron
Date of birth: 
30 May, 1916
Machine Gunner

William Chega

William Chega
Alternate name(s): 
Date of birth: 
8 March, 1916
Washington Battalion, Company 2 from 22 March to 14 April 1937; Auto Park; Drove water trucks to the front with Ed Shirley from 14 April to to 20 July 1937; Usine Number 1 in Albacete; 15 Brigade Auto Park 28 November 1937 to October 1938; Served at Teruel, Segura de los Baños; The Retreats, Caspe, Gandesa, and the Ebro Offensive
