Alternate name(s):
Burns, Tommy
Date of birth:
Saturday, 1 June 1907
Marital status:
later married Catherine Bannerman
miner; farmworker
Hamilton, Ontario; Brighton, Ontario; Vancouver, British Columbia; Crail, Fifeshire, Scotland
Date of immigration to Canada:
Thursday, 26 August 1926
Date of Immigration to Canada:
Immigrated from Glasgow to Quebec on the Montnairn
Attended public school through grade 8
Political affiliation:
May have joined the Communist Party of Canada, 1934 and worked as a unit organizer
Involvement in On-to-Ottawa Trek:
Participated in the On-to-Ottawa Trek and the Regina Riot
Approximate date arrived in Spain:
Arrived in Spain via Massanet on August 20, 1937
Mackenzie Papineau Battalion, Company 1; Served at Fuentes de Ebro, Teruel, Segura de los BanĚos; Retreats (Caspe and Gandesa), Ebro Offensive (Sierra Pandols, Sierra Caballs); Lost hearing in one ear; Rank Soldado
Final status:
Survived; Returned to Canada April 7, 1939 on the Duchess of Bedford; Served in the Canadian army during World War II; Involved with the MacPap Veterans Association (West); Died in 1992
Figueres List; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 541 -fl 539 says no party; Momryk; Petrou; Ancestry. fl 536