Alternate name(s):
Norman; Richard
Date of birth:
Friday, 22 May 1896
telephone operator; mechanic
Montreal, Quebec; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Calgary, Alberta
Political affiliation:
No party; Listed as "anti-party"
Prior military experience:
WWI, Served in 199th Battalion, Duchess of Connaught’s Own Irish Rangers; 24th Battalion, Victoria Rifles, Canadian Expeditionary Force, two years; Sailed for Europe on the SS Olympic on 13 December 1916; Wounded August 1917 in back; Wounded left elbow on 11 August 1918 at the Battle of Amiens; POW
Approximate date arrived in Spain:
Trained with the Battalion of Instruction at Tarazona;15 Brigade, Transmissions
Final status:
POW from 17 March 1938 at Caspe/Belchite during the Retreats; Held at San Pedro de Cardenas Prison Camp; Exchanged 5 April 1939; Survived; Returned to Canada 6 May 1939 on the Duchess of Bedford
Disciplinary record in Spain:
Labeled undisciplined; Arrested 29 July 1937 for insulting an officer
He wrote a testimony about his experience as a prisoner of war at San Pedro de Cardeña.
Figueres List (under JET); RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 554, ll. 47 (under Jones); Geiser; Momryk; Petrou; Ancestry; Hoff