Geza Koleszar Alternate name(s): Kolgar; Koleszari; Koleszat; Kolgar, G.; JezaDate of birth: 1 March, 1915Unit: 13 Brigade; Masaryk Battalion, Petöffi Company
Michael Kollensky Alternate name(s): Kolens; MikeUnit: Dombrowski Battalion; Taras Shevchenko Battalion
Alex Kolody Alternate name(s): Alexander; KorodyDate of birth: 6 July, 1894Unit: Anglo-American Battery; 2nd Group, 14th Battery
John Edward Komodowski Alternate name(s): Edward John; KomodofskyDate of birth: 20 May, 1912Unit: Mackenzie Papineau Battalion; Company 2, Section 1, observer; served at Fuentes de Ebro, Center, Teruel and Ebro offensive
George Kondas Alternate name(s): Kondos; Konndas; Komda; GÿorgÿDate of birth: 23 June, 1899Unit: Mackenzie Papineau Battalion, Company 1