Daniel McLeod Date of birth: 23 August, 1903Unit: Mackenzie Papineau Battalion, Company 3, Section 2; British Battalion, Company 4; Medical service; Kitchen staff
George McLeod Alternate name(s): MacLeod; MacLeoDate of birth: 14 February, 1903Unit: Anglo-American Battery; Artillery: 11th Regiment; 2nd Group; 14th Battery (John Brown Battery)
Francis Henry McMann Alternate name(s): FranciscoDate of birth: 13 October, 1901Unit: Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion
Frederick James McNeil Alternate name(s): MacNeil; Fred; FrankDate of birth: 29 October, 1899Unit: Regiment de Tren: Transport; Sergeant
John McNulty Alternate name(s): MacNulty; McNaltyDate of birth: 21 September, 1909Unit: Abraham Lincoln Battalion; Mackenzie Papineau Battalion, Company 2, Section Leader; Company 3, Platoon leader; Sergeant
Reid McVicar Alternate name(s): McVocker; MacVicarsRodDate of birth: 8 June, 1911Unit: Mackenzie Papineau Battalion; Corporal; Battalion Observer
Karoly Medgyse Alternate name(s): Charles; MedgyeskiDate of birth: 19 March, 1896Unit: Mackenzie Papineau Battalion; 12 Transport Company; Auto Park; 12th Brigade