1.7 Tomo Cacic: A Difficult Prisoner

Mon, 2 Jul 2018 09:00:00 AST

Kevin Levangie tells us about a Canadian volunteer named Tomo Čačić, and his complicated journey to the Spanish Civil War and beyond. We talk about deportation, forced mobility, anti-communism, and nation-building.


Show Notes: 

See Tomo Čačić's record in our volunteer database: http://spanishcivilwar.ca/volunteers/tomo-cacic


Molinaro, Dennis G. “‘A Species of Treason?’: Deportation and Nation-Building in the Case of Tomo Čačić, 1931-1934.” The Canadian Historical Review, vol. 91, no. 1 (2010): pg. 61-85

Rasporich, Anthony. "Tomo Čačić: Rebel without a Country." Canadian Ethnic Studies, vol. 10, no. 2 (1978): pg. 86–93

Kevin mentioned:

The Workers' Unity League

J.B. McLachlan, Cape Breton communist organizer

The Trial of the Kingston Eight: You can read more about the trial and the imprisonment of Cacic, Tim Buck and others in Alan Filewod's edition of the famously banned play Eight Men Speak: 
Ryan, Oscar et al. Eight Men Speak. Edited by Alan Filewod. University of Ottawa Press, 2013. 

Kaarina mentioned the case of Abdoul Abdi. You can read regular coverage of Abdi's case in the Halifax Examiner.

Written by Kevin Levangie Recorded by Kevin Levangie and Kaarina Mikalson Produced by Kaarina Mikalson