

Last updated by Emily Robins Sharpe on 30 April 2019

Acorn, Milton. “Drunk Thoughts of Bethune.” Jackpine Sonnets. Toronto: Steel Rail, 1977. 51. Print.

---. “Drunk Thoughts of Bethune.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 204. Print.

Alberti, Rafael. “A Spectre is Haunting Europe.” Trans. A.L. Lloyd. The Daily Clarion 27 Oct. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

---. “Ay.” Canadian Forum 17.204 (Jan. 1938): 348. Print.

Allan, Lewis. “You Also Die...” The Daily Clarion 19 July 1938: 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 4 (1938).

Altolaguirre, Manuel. “My Suffering.” trans. Rolfe Humphries. New Frontier 1.9 (1937): 11.Modernist Commons. Web. 21 June 2013.

Anderson, Patrick. “..[.]Who fell on bed.” The White Centre. Toronto: Ryerson, 1946. Epigraph. Print.

---. “Untitled (Epigraph to The White Centre).” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 148. Print.

---. “For a Spanish Comrade.” Preview 17 (Dec. 1943): 9-11. Print.

---. “For a Spanish Comrade.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 178-80. Print.

Auerbach, Joshua. “Song of the Lament (Translation of Federico Garcia Lorca’s Casida del llanto.” Radius of Light. Livres DC Books, 2007, p. 5.

Avrom. “Sauce of the Goose.” The Daily Clarion 17 Aug. 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). Print.

Beltran, Pla Y. “Elegies On The Death of a Miner.” Trans. W.E. Collin.  New Frontier 2.1 (May 1937): 13. Modernist Commons. Web. 21 June 2013.

---. “This Is How We Live.”  Trans. W.E. Collin. New Frontier 2.2 (June 1937): 24. Modernist Commons. Web. 21 June 2013.

Benson, Ted. “Words of Flame.” The Daily Clarion 6 Mar. 1937. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Bethune, Norman. “I Come from Cuatro Caminos.” The Mind of Norman Bethune. Ed. Roderick Stewart. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1977. 60. Print.

---. “I Come from Cuatro Caminos.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 120-121. Print.

---. “Red Moon.” Canadian Forum. 17.198 (July 1937): 118. Print. Version One.

---. “Red Moon.” CV/II. 2.2 (May 1976): 12. Print. Version Two.

---. “Red Moon.” Forum: Canadian Life and Letters 1920-70. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 1972. 153. Print. Version One.

---. “Red Moon.” The Mind of Norman Bethune. Ed. Roderick Stewart. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1977. 67. Print. Version One.

---. “Red Moon.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol. 2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 182. Print. Version Two.

---. “Red Moon.” The Politics of Passion: Norman Bethune’s Writing and Art. Ed. Larry Hannant. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 1998. 114-115. Print. Version One.

---. “Red Moon.” Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reactions to the Spanish Civil War.Ed. Mary Biggar Peck. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1988. iix. Print.

---. “Red Moon.” Right Hand Left Hand: A True Life of the Thirties. Ed. Dorothy Livesay. Erin,         ON: Press Porcepic, 1977. 250. Print. Version Two.

---. “Red Moon.” The Scalpel, the Sword: The Story of Dr. Norman Bethune. Eds. Ted Allan and Sydney Gordon. Boston: Little Brown, 1952. 107. Print. Version Two.

---. “Red Moon.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 103. Print. Version One.

---. “Red Moon.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 102. Print. Version Two.

Blue, Monte. “Look Up-- Beyond!” The Daily Clarion 10 July 1937. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

---. “To the Children of Spain.” The Daily Clarion 6 Feb. 1937. 3. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

“Brooker-Clark, May. “In Memory of the Fallen.” The Daily Clarion 20 Jan. 1937. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Byron (Lord). “Hark! Hear Ye Not? (As Today in Spain).” The Daily Clarion 22 Sept. 1936. 4.

Camp, Edith M. “Haceldama.” The Daily Clarion 2 Aug. 1936: 4. Microform. Daily Clarion 1 (1936).  

Claire, [?]. “Poem to Memory Of Spain Volunteer.” The Daily Clarion 25 Feb. 1938. 1.Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1938).

Clarke, George Elliott. “The Death and Life of Garcia Lorca.” Lush Dreams, Blue Exile. Lawrencetown Beach, NS: Pottersfield Press, 1994. 19. Print. 

---. "Garcia Lorca, Harlemite (1929)." Canticles I (MMXVII). Guernica Editions, 2017. 357-59.

---. “Guernica.” Lush Dreams, Blue Exile. Lawrencetown Beach, NS: Pottersfield Press, 1994. 20. Print.

Collis, Stephen. Anarchive. Vancouver: New Star Books, 2005. Print.

Colman, Mary Elizabeth. “We Men Are of Two Worlds.” For This Freedom Too. Toronto: Ryerson, 1942. 14-16. Print.

---. “We Men Are of Two Worlds.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 77-80. Print.

---. "Hunger." For This Freedom Too. Toronto: Ryerson, 1942. 4-14. Print.

---. "Hunger." Canadian Poetry Magazine 2.1 (June 1937): 11-22. Print. 

Cornford, John. “A Letter from Aragon.” New Frontier 2.5 (Oct. 1937): 20. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

Creighton, Alan. “Suggestion for War Memorial.” Canadian Forum. 17.197 (June 1937): 82. Print.

---. “Pyrotechnical.” Canadian Forum 17.200 (Sept. 1937): 193. Print.

Crippen, Harlan R. “Lines for a Lost Lady with Lavender Hair.”Canadian Forum. 24.282 (July 1944): 91. Print.

Davies Woodrow, Constance. “Christ in Spain, Christmas, 1936.” Toronto Star 12 Dec. 1936.

Day [Surrey], Margaret. “Ode to Spring.” New Frontier 2.3 (July-Aug. 1937): 15. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

---. “Ode to Spring, 1937.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 15.

---. “Ode to Spring.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 104. Print.

Dedora, Brian. Lorcation. Translated by Martín Rodrígues-Gaona. BookThug, 2015.

Dudek, Louis. “García Lorca.” First Statement 2.9 (Oct.-Nov. 1944): 10-11.

---. “García Lorca.” East of the City. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1946. 37-38.

---. “García Lorca.”  Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 171-73. Print.

DuVernet, Sylvia. The Muskoka Tree: Poems of Pride for Norman Bethune. Bracebridge, ON: Herald-Gazette Press, 1976. Print.

Ewen, Bruce. “A Night in Spain.” The Daily Clarion 25 Oct. 1937. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1937).

Faludy, György. “The Fall of France.” Trans. Robin Skelton. Selected Poems 1933-80. Eds. Robin Skelton, et al. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1985. 43-44. Print.

---. “The Fall of France.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 146-47. Print.

Ferne, Doris. “Embargo.” Canadian Forum. 19.220 (May 1939): 54. Print.

Ferrini, Vincent. “Shadows of Guns.” New Frontier 1.12 (Apr. 1937): 19. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

Fiamengo, Marya. “Acknowledge Him Canadian.” North of the Cold Star. Oakville/Ottawa: Mosaic Press/Valley Editions, 1978. 14-16. Print.

---. “Acknowledge Him Canadian.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 194-96. Print.

Freeman, Joseph. “Drums of the World.” The Daily Clarion 3 Oct. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

Friesen, Patrick. A Dark Boat: Poems. Vancouver: Anvil Press, 2012. Print.

Frutkin, Mark. “Death of a Poet.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 176. Print.

Gabrielle. “Death Drums.” The Daily Clarion 7 Sept. 1936. 6.  

Garcia Luque, Antonio. “Yo Esta Un Rojo!” Trans. Yakow Newmann. Canadian Forum 17.204 (Jan. 1938): 346. Print.

G.A.S. “Viva Espana!” The Daily Clarion 6 Aug. 1937. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Gerry, Harold. “To Jack Bloom.” The Daily Clarion 27 Aug. 1937. Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1937).

---. “To Jack Bloom.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol. 2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 189. Print.

---. “To Jack Bloom.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 131-32. Print.

Grier, Eldon. “Biarritz.” The Assassination of Colour. Fredericton: Fiddlehead, 1978. 65. Print.

---. “Biarritz.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 207-08. Print.

---. “The Bombing of Algeciras.” Selected Poems 1955-1970. Montréal: Delta, 1971. 23. Print.

---. “The Bombing of Algeciras.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 119. Print.

---. “In Memory of García Lorca.” Selected Poems 1955-1970. Montréal: Delta, 1971. 11. Print.

---. “In Memory of García Lorca.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 174-75. Print.

---.  “Procession–Holy Week.” A Morning From Scraps. n.p., n.d. 18-19.

---.  “San Antonio de la Florida.” A Morning From Scraps. n.p., n.d. 21.

---.  “San Antonio de la Florida.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 209. Print.

Gustafson, Ralph. “Basque Lover.” Flight into Darkness. New York: Pantheon, 1944. 35. Print.

---. “Basque Lover.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 143. Print.

---. “Rhyme for the Modern Child.” Canadian Forum 17.201 (Nov. 1937): 262. Print.

---. “Valle de los Caídos.” Fire on Stone. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1974. 49. Print.

---. “Valle de los Caídos.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 216. Print.

Haddow, G. C. “Suffer Little Children.” Canadian Forum 16.193 (Feb. 1937): 24. Print.

Hardy Alexander, William. “Muerta, por l’espana: She Died for Spain.” The Daily Clarion 13 Feb. 1937. 3. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Harrington, Bill. “Farewell.” The Daily Clarion 22 Nov. 1938: 6. Microform. The Daily Clarion 4 (1938).

Herrera, Jose. “A Ballad from Spain.” The Daily Clarion 1 May 1937. 8. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Hichin, Carl. “To November 7, 1936.” The Daily Clarion 4 Nov. 1936. 4.  Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

Holbrook, Susan. “To Federico García Lorca’s Poema del cante jondo.” Joy Is So Exhausting. Coach House Books, 2009. 40-49.

Hughes, Daniel. “Fascism in Spain.” The Daily Clarion 12 Oct. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

Humphries, Rolfe. “Ballad (After the Spanish of Manuel Altolaguirre).” New Frontier 1.9 (Jan. 1937): 11. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

Hynes, Maureen. The Poison Colour. Pedlar P, 2015.

---. "On Reading Lorca's Poet in New York." Antigonish Review 182 (2015): 22.

J.S.B. “Youth of Spain.” The Daily Clarion 4 Jan. 1937. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Kennedy, Leo. [Arthur Beaton]. “You, Spanish Comrade.” (See also, “Four Poems for the Heroic Spanish Republic”). New Frontier 1.7 (Nov. 1936): 23. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.         

---.“Calling Eagles.” New Frontier 2.2 (June 1937): 14. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

---. “Calling Eagles.” Canadian Poetry Magazine 2.2 (Oct. 1937): 17. Print.

---. “Calling Eagles.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 184. Print.

---. “Calling Eagles.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 105-106. Print.

---. “To the Eagles.” Voices of Victory: Representative Poetry of Canada at Wartime. Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada, 1941. 67. Print.

---. [Leonard Bullen]. “Memorial to the Defenders.” New Frontier 1.10 (Feb. 1937): 15.Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

---. “Memorial to the Defenders.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol. 2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 187. Print.

---. “Memorial to the Defenders.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 100. Print.

---. “Poem.” Canadian Bookman 20.4 (Oct.-Nov. 1938): 5. Print.

---. “Four Poems for the Heroic Spanish Republic.” Spirit of Canadian Democracy: A Collection of Canadian Writings From the Beginnings to the Present Day. Ed. Margaret Fairley. Toronto: Progress Books, 1946. 168-70. Print.

---. “Four Poems for the Heroic Spanish Republic.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 14. Print.

---. “You, Spanish Comrade.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 101. Print.

King, Jack. “Castles in Spain.” Spirit of Canadian Democracy: A Collection of Canadian Writings From the Beginnings to the Present Day. Ed. Margaret Fairley. Toronto: Progress Books, 1946. 172-73. Print.

Klein, A[braham] M. “Of Castles in Spain. [To One Gone to the Wars]” Canadian Forum 18.210 (June 1938): 79. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [To One Gone to the Wars]” Forum: Canadian Life and Letters 1920-70. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 1972. 162. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [To One Gone to the Wars]” Complete Poems Part 2: Original Poems, 1937-1955 and Poetry Translations. Ed. Zailig Pollock. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990. 473. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [To One Gone to the Wars]” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 127-128. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [Toreador]” Canadian Forum 18.210 (June 1938): 79. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [Toreador]” Forum: Canadian Life and Letters 1920-70. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 1972. 162. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [Toreador]” Complete Poems Part 2: Original Poems, 1937-1955 and Poetry Translations. Ed. Zailig Pollock. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990. 474.Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [Toreador]” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 128. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [Sonnet Without Music]” Canadian Forum 18.210 (June 1938): 79. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [Sonnet Without Music]” Forum: Canadian Life and Letters 1920-70.Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 1972. 162. Print.

---. “Sonnet Without Music.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 13. Print.

---. “Sonnet Without Music.” Right Hand Left Hand: A True Life of the Thirties. Erin, Ontario: Press Porcépic, 1977. 253. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [Sonnet Without Music]” Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reactions to the Spanish Civil War. Ed. Mary Biggar Peck. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1988. 79-80. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [Sonnet Without Music]” Complete Poems Part 2: Original Poems, 1937-1955 and Poetry Translations. Ed. Zailig Pollock. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990. 474. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [Sonnet Without Music]” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 128-29. Print.

---. “Of Castles in Spain. [Sonnet Without Music]” Selected Poems. Eds. Zailig Pollock, Seymour Mayne, and Usher Caplan. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 1997. 57. Print.

---. “To One Gone to the Wars.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol. 2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 185. Print.

Hamilton, Frank. “A New year’s Greeting.” The Daily Clarion 2 Jan. 1937. 8. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

H.G.M. “A Tribute in Verse to Man Who Fell: Rod Gillis Participated in Relief Battles.” Daily Clarion, Feb. 1938. Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1938).

---.  “A Tribute to Rod Gillis.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol. 2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 191. Print.

---.  “A Tribute to Rod Gillis.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 130. Print.

---. “Tribute in Verse to Man Who Fell.” The Daily Clarion 12 Feb. 1938. 5. Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1938).

Irving, Layton. “Church Parade.” Canadian Forum. 23.271 (Aug. 1943): 115. Print.

---. “El Caudillo.” Narr. Irving Layton. Sunday Night Anthology. Host Robert Fulford. CBC Radio, 15 Dec. 1963. Radio.

---. “El Caudillo.”  The Tamarack Review 30 (Winter 1964): 45. Print.

---. “El Caudillo.” The Laughing Rooster. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1964. Print.

---. “El Caudillo.” Collected Poems. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1965. Print.

---. “El Caudillo.” Recorded. Canadian Poets I. Toronto: CBC, 1966. Print.

---. “El Caudillo.” Rebroadcast. Narr. Irving Layton. Ideas. CBC Radio, 1 Nov. 1966. (Rebroadcast 7 Nov. 1966). Radio.

---. “El Caudillo.” Selected Poems. Ed. Wynne Francis. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1969. Print.

---. “El Caudillo.” The Collected Poems of Irving Layton. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1971. 250. Print.

---. “El Caudillo.” The Darkening Fire: Selected Poems 1945-1968. Preface Wynne Francis. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1975. Print.

---. “El Caudillo.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 212-13. Print.

---. “El Gusano.” Narr. Irving Layton. Sunday Night Anthology. Host Robert Fulford. CBC Radio, 15 Dec. 1963. Radio.

---. “El Gusano.” The Tamarack Review 30 (Winter 1964): 46-47. Print.

---. “El Gusano.” The Laughing Rooster. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1964. Print.

---. “El Gusano.” Collected Poems. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1965. Print.

---. “El Gusano.”  Selected Poems. Ed. Wynne Francis. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1969. Print.

---. “El Gusano.” The Collected Poems of Irving Layton. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1971. 306-307. Print.

---. “El Gusano.” The Darkening Fire: Selected Poems 1945-1968. Preface Wynne Francis. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1975. Print.

---. “El Gusano.” The Poems of Irving Layton. Ed. Eli Mandel. New Canadian Library Original, No. O12. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1977. Print.

---. “El Gusano.” A Wild Peculiar Joy: Selected Poems 1945-82. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1982. Print.

---. “El Gusano.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 214-15. Print.

---. “On Spanish Soil.” Narr. Irving Layton. Sunday Night Anthology. Host Robert Fulford. CBC Radio, 15 Dec. 1963. Radio.

---. “On Spanish Soil.” The Tamarack Review 30 (Winter 1964): 44. Print..

---. “On Spanish Soil.” Collected Poems. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1965. Print.

---. “On Spanish Soil.” Narr. Irving Layton Irving Layton Reads His Poetry. Montreal: Jewish Public Library, 1967.

---. “On Spanish Soil.” The Collected Poems of Irving Layton. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1971. 249. Print.

---. “On Spanish Soil.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 211. Print.

J.R. “They Shall Not Pass.” The Daily Clarion 9 Jan. 1937. 3. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Lanning, Jack. “November, 1936.” The Daily Clarion 20 Nov. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1936).

LeClaire, Gordon. “Conscript.” Canadian Forum. 20.236 (Sept. 1940): 186. Print.

---. “Now When the Fire Long Frozen.” Canadian Forum 19.221 (June 1939): 92. Print.

---. “Now When the Fire Long Frozen.” War Poems of the United Nations. Ed. Joy Davidman. New York: Dial, 1943. 32-33. Print.  

---. “Now When the Fire Long Frozen.” Songs for a New Nation. New York: Vantage Press, 1963. 200. Print.

---. “Now When the Fire Long Frozen.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 88-89. Print.

---.“The Unknown Soldier’s Plea.” Canadian Bookman. 18.8 (Oct. 1936): 9. Print.

---. “Woodcut in Color.” War Poems of the United Nations. Ed. Joy Davidman. New York: Dial, 1943. 31-32. Print.

---. “Woodcut in Color.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 86-87. Print.

Leslie, Kenneth. “The Censored Editor.” New Frontier 2.3 (July-Aug. 1937): 10-11. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

---. “Fifth Columnist.” By Stubborn Stars and Other Poems. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1938. 51-56. Print.

---. “A Kiss for Guido.” O’Malley to the Reds and Other Poems. Halifax: n.p., 1972. 18-22. Print.

---. “The Censored Editor.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 16. Print.

---. “The Censored Editor.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 109-116. Print.

Livesay, Dorothy. "At English Bay." Saturday Night. (5 Mar. 1938): 2. Print.

---. “At English Bay: Dec. 1937.” Collected Poems: The Two Seasons. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1972. 95. Print.

---. “At English Bay: Dec. 1937.” Right Hand Left Hand: A True Life of the Thirties. Erin, Ontario: Press Porcépic, 1977. 263. Print.

---. “At English Bay: Dec. 1937.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 181. Print.

---. “Catalonia.” Canadian Literature 47 (Winter 1971): 4-48. Print.

---. “Catalonia.” Collected Poems: The Two Seasons. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1972. 98-101. Print.

---. “Catalonia.” Right Hand Left Hand: A True Life of the Thirties. Erin, Ontario: Press Porcépic, 1977. 256-259. Print.

---. “Catalonia.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 122-26. Print.

---. “Comrade.” Collected Poems: The Two Seasons. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1972. 93. Print.

---. “Comrade.” Right Hand Left Hand: A True Life of the Thirties. Erin, Ontario: Press Porcépic, 1977. 262. Print.

---. “Comrade.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 163. Print.

---. “Deep Cove: Vancouver.” (See also, “And Still We Dream.”) Collected Poems: The Two Seasons. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1972. 94. Print.

---. “In Preparation.” New Frontier 1.10 (Feb. 1937): 7. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

---. “Sonnets for a Soldier.” Saturday Night 4 Dec. 1943. 3.  

---. “Sonnets for a Soldier.” (see also, “In Time of War”). Poems for People. Toronto: Ryerson, 1947. 20. Print.        

---. “In Time of War.” Selected Poems of Dorothy Livesay [1926-1957]. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1957. 45-47. Print.

---. “In Time of War.” Collected Poems: The Two Seasons. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1972. 168-170. Print.

---. “In Time of War.” The Woman I Am. Erin, Ontario: Press Porcépic, 1977. Print.

---. “In Time of War.” The Self-Completing Tree. Toronto: Press Porcépic, 1986. 187. Print.

---. “In Time of War.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 153-55. Print.

---. “The Lizard: October 1939.” Collected Poems: The Two Seasons. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1972. 105. Print.

---. “The Lizard: October 1939.” Right Hand Left Hand: A True Life of the Thirties. Erin, Ontario: Press Porcépic, 1977. 268. Print.

---. “The Lizard: October 1939.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 141-42. Print.

---. “Lorca.” Poetry [Chicago] 58 (Apr. 1941): 33. Print.

---. “Lorca.” Day and Night. Toronto: Ryerson, 1944. 22-24. Print.

---. “Lorca.” Selected Poems of Dorothy Livesay [1926-1956]. Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1957. 24-26. Print.

---. “Lorca.” Canadian Literature 41 (Summer 1969): 96. Print.

---. “Lorca.” Collected Poems: The Two Seasons. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1972. 125. Print.

---. “Lorca.” Right Hand Left Hand: A True Life of the Thirties. Erin, Ontario: Press Porcépic, 1977. 259-262. Print.

---. “Lorca.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 167-70. Print.

---. “Man Asleep.” Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reactions to the Spanish Civil War. Ed. Mary Biggar Peck. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1988. 80. Print.

---. “Reply to a Time Server.” Archive for Our Times. Ed. Dean J. Irvine. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 1998. 67. Print.

---. “Spain.” New Frontier 2.2 (June 1937): 16. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

---. “Spain.” Marxist Quarterly 18 (Summer 1966): 2. Print.

---. “Spain.” Collected Poems: The Two Seasons. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1972. 98. Print.

---. “Spain.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 15. Print.

---. “Spain.” The Self-Completing Tree. Toronto: Press Porcépic, 1986. 187. Print.

---. “Spain.” Between War and Peace. Galiano: Privately Printed, 1987. 6. Print.

---. “Spain.” Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reactions to the Spanish Civil War. Ed. Mary Biggar Peck. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1988. 79. Print.

---. “Spain.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 108. Print.

---. “Two Poems: And Still We Dream.” (See also, “Deep Cove: Vancouver.”) New Frontier 1.6 (Oct. 1936): 5. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.  

---. “And Still We Dream.” Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reactions to the Spanish Civil War. Ed. Mary Biggar Peck. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1988. 80. Print.

---. “Two Poems: And Still We Dream.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 99. Print.

---. “Two Poems: Man Asleep.” New Frontier 1.6 (Oct. 1936): 5. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

---. “Two Poems: Man Asleep.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 98. Print.

---. “Two Poems: Man Asleep.” Archive For Our Times: Previously Uncollected and Unpublished Poems of Dorothy Livesay. Comp. and ed. Dean J. Irvine. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 1998. 45. Print.

---. “Words Before Battle.” Collected Poems: The Two Seasons. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1972. 102. Print.

---. “Words Before Battle.” Right Hand Left Hand: A True Life of the Thirties. Erin, Ontario: Press Porcépic, 1977. 265. Print.

---. “Words Before Battle.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 158-60. Print.

Logrono, Rafael Beltran. “Ascaso.” Trans. W.E. Collin. New Frontier 2.1 (May 1937): 13.Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

---. “Death of the Innkeeper ‘Quitapenas’.” Trans. W.E. Collin. New Frontier 2.2 (June 1937): 24.

“Lombard Murphy’s Crew.” The Daily Clarion 2 Nov. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

Lowenfels, Walter. “Lift the Embargo!” The Daily Clarion 13 Jan. 1939: 1. Microform. The Daily Clarion 5 (1938).

MacKay, L[ouis] A. “Battle Hymn for the Spanish Rebels.” Canadian Forum 16.189 (Oct. 1936): 25. Print.

---. [As L.A.M.] “Spanish Church Hymn (Revised 1936).” The Daily Clarion 3 Oct. 1936. 8.  Microform.

---. “Battle Hymn of the Spanish Rebellion.” The Ill-Tempered Lover and Other Poems. Toronto: Macmillan, 1948. 17. Print.

---. “Battle Hymn for the Spanish Rebels” Eds. F. R. Scott and A. J. M. Smith. The Blasted Pine.Toronto: Ryerson, 1957. 109. Print.

---. “Battle Hymn for the Spanish Rebels.” Forum: Canadian Life and Letters 1920-70. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 1972. 148. Print.

---. “Battle Hymn for the Spanish Rebels.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 13. Print.

---. “Battle Hymn for the Spanish Rebels.” Right Hand Left Hand: A True Life of the Thirties. Erin, Ontario: Press Porcépic, 1977. 252. Print.

---. [Lorne Mackay]. “Battle Hymn of the Spanish Rebellion.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 183. Print.

---. “Battle Hymn for the Spanish Rebels.” Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reactions to the Spanish Civil War. Ed. Mary Biggar Peck. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1988. 10. Print.

---. “Battle Hymn of the Spanish Rebellion.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 84. Print.

---. “Carol for 1938.” The Ill-Tempered Lover and Other Poems. Toronto: Macmillan, 1948. 21. Print.

---. “Carol for 1938.”  Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 90. Print.

---. “Murder Most Foul.” Canadian Forum 17.203 (Dec. 1937): 314. Print.

---. “Murder Most Foul.” Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reactions to the Spanish Civil War. Ed. Mary Biggar Peck. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1988. 78. Print.

---. “Murder Most Foul.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 93-96. Print.

---. “1938 Dialogue of the Dead.” Canadian Forum 18.209 (June 1938): 71. Print.

---. “1938 Dialogue of the Dead.” The Ill-Tempered Lover and Other Poems. Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada, 1948. 19. Print.

---.  “On Lines on a P.M.” Canadian Forum. 17.197 (June 1937): 100. Print.

---. “This Is No Crusade.” The Ill-Tempered Lover and Other Poems. Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada, 1948. 23. Print.

---. “This Is No Crusade.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 149. Print.

---. “Snarls of a Disgusted Colonial.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 183. Print.

---. [John Smalacombe]. “Three Snarls of a Disgusted Colonial.” Canadian Forum 17.199 (Aug. 1937): 159. Print.

---. “Three Snarls of a Disgusted Colonial.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 13. Print.

---. “Three Snarls of a Disgusted Colonial.” Right Hand Left Hand: A True Life of the Thirties. Ed. Dorothy Livesay. Erin, On: Press Porcepic, 1977. 251-52. Print.

---. “Two Snarls of a Disgusted Colonial.” Eds.  F. R. Scott and A. J. M. Smith. The Blasted Pine.Toronto: Ryerson, 1957. 132. Print.

---. “Two Snarls of a Disgusted Colonial.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 85. Print.

MacKenzie, John. Letters I Didn’t Write. Nightwood Editions, 2008.

---. “Lorca Again.” Letters I Didn’t Write, pp. 72-73.

---. “Lorca’s Lament.” Letters I Didn’t Write, pp. 66-67.

---. “Poem of the Arrow.” Letters I Didn’t Write, pp. 86-92.

---. “You Died at Dawn.” Letters I Didn’t Write, pp. 71.

Macksoud, Blanche. “To You of No Importance.” The Daily Clarion 17 Oct. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

“A Marching Song.” The Daily Clarion 15 June 1937. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

“Marching Song (To the tune of O’donnell aboo).” The Daily Clarion 26 May 1937. 4.  Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Marriott, Anne. “The Wind Our Enemy.” The Wind Our Enemy. Toronto: Ryerson, 1939. Print.

---. “The Wind Our Enemy.” Sandstone and other poems by Anne Marriott. Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1945. Print.

---. “The Wind Our Enemy.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 69. Print.

Mathews, Robin. “Doctor Norman Bethune.” Language of Fire. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1976. 90-94. Print.

---. “Doctor Norman Bethune.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 197. Print.

Mayne, Seymour. Dragon Trees. Ottawa: Friday Circle, 1997, 2003. http://www.fridaycircle.uottawa.ca/chapbooks1/i-6-mayne.html

---. “Madrid Evening.” Bywords 4.12 (Oct. 1994): 4. Print.

---. "Madrid Evening." Dragon Trees. Ottawa: Friday Circle, 1997, 2003. http://www.fridaycircle.uottawa.ca/chapbooks1/i-6-mayne.html

---. "Madrid Evening." Five-O'Clock Shadows. By George Amabile, Leonard Casparini, Seymour Mayne, Ted Plantos, and George Swede. Toronto: Letters Bookshop, 1996. 29.

---. “Madrid Evening.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 210. Print.

---. "Madrid Evening." Travel Terrific, 2000. http://www.travelterrific.com/summer2000/literary_sum00_02.html

---. “Parrots, Generals.” The Impossible Promised Land: Poems New and Selected. Oakville: Mosaic, 1981. 86. Print.

---. “Parrots, Generals.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 217. Print.

---. "Spain, You Hurt Me." Dragon Trees. Ottawa: Friday Circle, 1997, 2003. http://www.fridaycircle.uottawa.ca/chapbooks1/i-6-mayne.html

---. "Spain, You Hurt Me." Five-O'Clock Shadows. By George Amabile, Leonard Casparini, Seymour Mayne, Ted Plantos, and George Swede. Toronto: Letters Bookshop, 1996. 24.

---. “Spain, You Hurt Me.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 145. Print.

McLauchlan, Laura. “Doctor Bethune.” Lacuna. Winnipeg: Turnstone, 1980. 39-41. Print.

---. “Doctor Bethune.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 191. Print.

Millet, Martha. “Poem.” The Daily Clarion 31 Oct. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

Mullins, Helene. “Masochist.” Canadian Forum. 16.194 (Mar. 1937): 10. Print.

Munro, H.T. “To a Guitar.” The Daily Clarion 16 Sept. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).  

Nason, Jim. “Apparition on the Beach: Ode to Federico Garcia Lorca.” Music Garden. Frontenac House Poetry, 2013. 28-29. 

---. “Ode to Federico Garcia Lorca.” Literary Review of Canada, July-Aug. 2012, reviewcanada.ca/magazine/2012/07/ode-to-federico-garcia-lorca/. 

Neruda, Pablo. “The Dish of Blood from Almeria—Bombing of Almeria.” Trans. Josephine Hambleton. Canadian Forum.  21.245 (June 1941): 86. Print.

---.“Madrid.” Trans. Josephine Hambleton. Canadian Forum. 21.245 (June 1941): 86. Print.

Newmann, Yakow. Trans. “A Spanish Revolutionary Poem. [Song of the Cuna Indians of Panama]” Canadian Forum 17.204 (Jan. 1938): 348. Print.

Nicholas, T.E. “In Remembrance of a Son of Wales.” The Daily Clarion 14 June 1938: 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 4 (1938).

O’Flaherty, Frank. “[No Wreaths].” The Daily Clarion 17 July 1937. 5. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

O’Mara, Michael. “This Way.” B.C. Workers’ News, Mar. 1937. Print.

---. “This Way.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol. 2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 186. Print.

---. “This Way.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 97. Print.

Omnibus. “Spanish Volunteers.” The Daily Clarion 20 Aug. 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Page, P.K. “Generation.” Preview (Oct. 1942): 5-6. Print.

---. “Generation.” Poetry [Chicago] 62 (July 1943): 205-07. Print.

---. “Generation.” As Ten, as Twenty. Toronto: Ryerson, 1946. 28-29. Print.

---. “Generation.” Cry Ararat! Poems New and Selected. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1967. Print.

---. “Generation.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 156. Print.

---. “Poem (Let us by paradox).” (See also, “”Poem in War Time”). Preview 18 (Feb. 1944): 5. Print.

---. “Poem (Let us by paradox).” (See also, “”Poem in War Time”).  As Ten, as Twenty. Toronto: Ryerson, 1946. Print.

---. “Poem (Let us by paradox).” (See also, “”Poem in War Time”). Narr. Alice Mather. In “The Poetry of P. K. Page.” Commentator Byng Whittaker. CBC Wednesday Night. Prod. Helen James. Ed. Robert Weaver. CBC Radio, 23 Nov. 1949. Radio.

---. “Poem in War Time.” Cry Ararat! Poems New and Selected. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1967. Rpt. of “Poem (Let us by paradox).” Preview 18 (Feb. 1944): 5. Print.

---. “Poem in War Time.” “Poem (Let us by paradox).” Preview 18 (Feb. 1944): 5. P. K. Page: Poems Selected and New. Toronto: House of Anansi, 1974. Print.

---. “Poem.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 15. Print.

---. “Poem (Let us by paradox).” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 152. Print.

Paivio, Ako/Aku. “To My Son in Spain.” LAC, Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion collection, MG30-E173, vol. 3, file 3. Print.

“Poem to Memory of Spain Volunteer.” The Daily Clarion 25 Feb. 1938. 1. Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1938).

“Poems Written by Canadian Children.” The Daily Clarion 6 Mar. 1937. 5. Microform. The  Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Pratt, E.J. “Dictator (Baritone).” Canadian Forum 16.191 (Dec. 1936): 7. Print.

---.  “The Baritone.” The Fable of the Goats and Other Poems. Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada, 1937. 16-17. Print.

---.  “The Baritone.” Collected Poems. Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada, 1944. 26-27.Print.

---.  “The Baritone.” The Collected Poems of E. J. Pratt. Ed. Northrop Frye. Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada, 1958. 70-71. Print.

---.  “Dictator.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 13. Print.

---.  “The Baritone.” E. J. Pratt: The Complete Poems. Part II, Eds. Sandra Djwa and R. G. Moyles. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 1989. 5-6. Print.

---.  “Dictator (Baritone).” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 81-82. Print.

---.  “The Baritone.” E.J. Pratt: Selected Poems. Eds. Sandra Djwa, W.J. Keith and Zailig Pollock. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 2000. 82-84. Print.

Quin, Michael “How Much--For Spain?” The Daily Clarion 10 Aug. 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Reid, Lionel. “Limerick.” Canadian Forum 18.210 (July 1938): 116. Print.

---. “Salutes.” Canadian Forum 18.211 (Aug. 1938): 135. Print.

---. “Salutes.” Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reactions to the Spanish Civil War. Ed. Mary Biggar Peck. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1988. 79. Print.

---. “Salutes.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 83. Print.

Robbins, William. “To L____ B____.” Canadian Forum 18.212 (Sept. 1938): 182. Print.

---. “Requiem To L____ B____.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 14-15. Print.

---. “To L____ B____.” Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reactions to the Spanish Civil War. Ed. Mary Biggar Peck. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1988. 79. Print.

---. “To L____ B____.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 133-34. Print.

“Salud: From the Irish Republican.” The Daily Clarion 16 Aug. 1937. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Sandwell, B.K. “Eighteen Years Later.” Canadian Author 16.2 (Apr. 1939): 15. Print.

Scott, F.R. “Spain: 1937.” Overture. Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1945. 11. Print.

---. “Spain: 1937.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 14. Print.

---. “Spain: 1937.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950, Vol. 2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 192. Print.

---. “Spain 1937.” Collected Poems of F.R. Scott. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1981. 96. Print.

---. “Spain 1937.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 133-34. Print.

“Shelley, Percy B.” “When Freedom Rides To Conquest: As Today In Spain.” The Daily Clarion 17 Sept. 1936. 4.

Smith, Jim. Happy Birthday, Nicanor Parra. Mansfield P, 2012. 

Smith, Steven Ross. “Peck.” Emanations: fluttertongue 6. Book*hug, 2015, pp. 49-50.

Smith, William P. “We Rise From Ruins.”  The Daily Clarion 2 Sept. 1938: 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 4 (1938).

“Song of Battle: No Pasaran!” The Daily Clarion 17 July 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Souster, Raymond. “Air Raid.” Direction I (Nov. 1943): 8. Print.

---.  “Air Raid.” Unit of Five. Eds. Louis Dudek, et al. Toronto: Ryerson, 1944. 64. Print.

---.  “Air Raid, Madrid, 1937.” Rain-Check. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1975. Print.

---.  “Air Raid.” Collected Poems of Raymond Souster. Vol. 1. Ottawa: Oberon, 1980. 27. Print.

---.  “Air Raid.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 118. Print.

---. “Spain (For Certain of Our Statesmen).” Spirit of Canadian Democracy: A Collection of Canadian Writings From the Beginnings to the Present Day. Ed. Margaret Fairley. Toronto: Progress Book, 1946. 175- 76. Print..

---. “Spain (For Certain of Our Statesmen).” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 15-16. Print.

---. “The Good Doctor.” As Is. Toronto: OUP, 1967. 22-23. Print.

---. “The Good Doctor.” Double-Header. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1975. Print.

---. “The Good Doctor.” Collected Poems of Raymond Souster. Vol. 3. Ottawa: Oberon, 1982. Print.

---. “The Good Doctor.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 182. Print.

Stephen, A.M. “Madrid.” The Daily Clarion 15 Oct. 1936. 4.  Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

---. “Madrid.” New Frontier 2.1 (May 1937): 9. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

---. “Madrid.” Lords of the Air: Poems of the Present War. Vancouver: n.p., 1940. 3.

---. “Madrid.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 91. Print.

---. “Madrid (1936).” Songs for a New Nation. New York: Vantage Press, 1963. 32-33. Print.

Stevens, Peter. And The Dying Sky Like Blood: A Bethune Collage For Several Voices. Ottawa: Borealis, 1974. Print.

---. “Blood Trip.” And the Dying Sky Like Blood. Ottawa: Borealis, 1974. 81-82. Print.

---. “Blood Trip.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 186. Print.

---. “Civil War.” Revenge of the Mistresses. Windsor: Black Moss, 1981. 22-23. Print.

---. “Civil War.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 205. Print.

---. “Málaga.” And the Dying Sky Like Blood. Ottawa: Borealis, 1974. 86-87. Print.

---. “Málaga.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 188. Print.

---. “Sestina from Spain.” And the Dying Sky Like Blood. Ottawa: Borealis, 1974. 84-85. Print.

---. “Sestina from Spain.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 184. Print.

Stewart, Robina. “Cenotaph 1936.” The Daily Clarion 11 Nov. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

“The Maple Leaf Forever: As Sung in Spain.” The Daily Clarion 3 Aug. 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937). 

Tomalin, M. “Wings Overhead.” The Daily Clarion 12 Feb. 1938. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1938).

Tomalin, M. “Wings Overhead.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol. 2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 190. Print.

“The Trail.” The Daily Clarion 9 Jan. 1937. 3. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

“Veribol”. “No Pasaran! They Shall Not Pass!” The Daily Clarion 28 May 1937. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Vulpe, Nicola. "Spanish Notebook." Blue Tile. BuschekBooks, 2004. 9-29.

---. “Orwell’s Dream.” Bywords 4.5 (Mar. 1994): 7.

---. “Orwell’s Dream.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 218. Print.

---. “This Same War Once Again.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 220. Print.

Vulpe, Nicola, and Maha Albari, eds. Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. Print.

Waddington, Miriam. “Ballet.” Green World. Montréal: First Statement, 1945. Print.

---. “Ballet.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 15. Print. (notes here: “written in spring 1937 published in GREEN WORLD”)

---. “Ballet.” Collected Poems. Toronto: OUP, 1986. 4. Print.

---. “Dog Days.” Canadian Forum 25.294 (July 1945): 91. Print.

---. “Dog Days.” Green World. Montréal: First Statement, 1945. Print.

---. “Dog Days.” Collected Poems. Toronto: OUP, 1986. 10-11. Print.

---. “Dog Days.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 161. Print.

---. “The Exiles: Spain.” Varsity [University of Toronto] (Christmas 1937, 11 Dec. 1936): 1.

---. “The Exiles: Spain.” Collected Poems. Toronto: OUP, 1986. 349. Print.

---. “The Exiles: Spain.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 144. Print.

Waddington, Patrick. “Daybreak on Spanish Hills.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 117. Print. [Original typescript provided by Marcus Waddington, author’s brother, for SIS, unpublished manuscript]

---. [David Andrade]. “Dust Patterns After Revolution.” Canadian Forum 18.218 (Mar. 1939): 368. Print.

---. “Dust Patterns After Revolution.” Forum: Canadian Life and Letters 1920-70. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 1972. 168. Print.

---. “Dust Patterns After Revolution.” Red Moon Over Spain: Canadian Media Reactions to the Spanish Civil War. Ed. Mary Biggar Peck. Ottawa: Steel Rail, 1988. 79. Print.

---. “Dust Patterns After Revolution.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Ed. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 139-40. Print.

Wainwright, J. A. “Lament for Federico García Lorca.” The Walrus, 12 Sept. 2012, thewalrus.ca/lament-for-federico-garcia-lorca/. 

Wallace, Joe. “Artists in Uniform: Dedicated to Those on the Firing Line in Spain.” The Daily Clarion 15 Jan. 1937: 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

---. [J.S. Wallace]. “The As Yet Unhonoured.” 1938. Night is Ended: Thoughts in Lyric. Winnipeg: Contemporary Publishers, 1942. 91. Print.

---. “The As Yet Unhonoured.” Poems. Toronto: Progress, 1981. 58.

---. “The As Yet Unhonoured.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol. 2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 193. Print.

---. “The As Yet Unhonoured.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 135. Print.

---. [J.S. Wallace]. “Between the Lines: June 10-June 20: Sacrificial Period for Spain.” The Daily Clarion 9 June 1938: 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 4 (1938).

---. “Come On, Canada!” The Daily Clarion 15 June 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

---. [J.S. Wallace]. “Come On, Canada!” The Daily Clarion 15 June 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

---. “Let the Eagle Range.” The Daily Clarion 30 May 1936. 5. Microform. (published/written before fascist coup)  

---. [J.S. Wallace]. “Let the Eagle Range.” Night is Ended: Thoughts in Lyric. Winnipeg: Contemporary Publishers, 1942. 92. Print. (dated 1938, first published May 1936) 

---. “Let the Eagle Range.” Spirit of Canadian Democracy: A Collection of Canadian Writings From the Beginnings to the Present Day. Ed. Margaret Fairley. Toronto: Progress Books, 1946.

---. “Let the Eagle Range.” CV/II 2.2 (May 1976): 14.

---. “Let the Eagle Range.” The Poetry of the Canadian People 1900-1950. Vol. 2. Ed. Brian Davis. Toronto: NC Press, 1978. 188. Print.

---. “Let the Eagle Range.” Poems. Toronto: Progress, 1981. 58-59.

---. “Let the Eagle Range.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Ed. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 107. Print.

---. “O, Brave New Spain.” The Daily Clarion 13 Nov. 1936. 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).

---. [J.S. Wallace]. “O, Brave New Spain! (The Spain That Will Rise Again).” 1936. Night is Ended: Thoughts in Lyric. Winnipeg: Contemporary Publishers, 1942. 87. Print.

---. [J.S. Wallace]. “Requiem (In Honor of the Canadians Who Fell in Spain).” 1937. Night is Ended: Thoughts in Lyric. Winnipeg: Contemporary Publishers, 1942. 89. Print.

---. [J.S. Wallace]. “June 10-June 20 Sacrifical Period for Spain.” The Daily Clarion 9 June 1938: 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 4 (1938). 

---. [J.S.W.]. “Spain.” The Daily Clarion 18 Aug. 1936: 3. Microform. The Daily Clarion 1 (1936).  

---. [J.S. Wallace]. “Spain, 1936.” 1936. Night is Ended: Thoughts in Lyric. Winnipeg: Contemporary Publishers, 1942. 88. Print.

---. [J.S. Wallace]. “The Young Dead Speak.” 1938. Night is Ended: Thoughts in Lyric. Winnipeg: Contemporary Publishers, 1942. 90.

---. [J.S. Wallace]. “Verses for the Left Vest Pocket.” The Daily Clarion 15 Nov. 1937. 2. Microform. The Daily Clarion 3 (1937).

Welsh Lee, Candida. “Strive for Peace.” The Daily Clarion 1 May 1937. 10. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Warner, R.E. “Arms in Spain.” New Frontier 2.4 (Sept. 1937): 11. Modernist Commons. Web. 22 June 2013.

Whittington, Robert Scales. “Sonnet: To a Spanish Girl.” The Daily Clarion 18 Jan. 1937: 4. Microform. The Daily Clarion 2 (1937).

Woodcock, George. “Ballad for W.H. Auden.” The Kestrel and Other Poems of Past and Present. Sunderland, U.K.: Ceolfrith, 1978. 27-28.

---. “Ballad for W.H. Auden.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 164. Print.

---. “Poem for García Lorca.” The Centre Cannot Hold. London: Routledge, 1943. 29. Print.

---. “Poem for García Lorca.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 177. Print.

Wreford, James. “The Mental Butterfly.” Canadian Forum. 23.271. (Aug. 1943): 115. Print.

---.  “The Mental Butterfly.” Preview 20 (May 1944): 6. Print.

---. “The Mental Butterfly.” Sealed in Struggle: Canadian Poetry and The Spanish Civil War, An Anthology. Eds. Nicola Vulpe and Maha Albari. La Laguna, Tenerife: Center for Canadian Studies, Universidad de la Laguna, 1995. 150. Print.

Zakharuk, Dmytro. “A Free Spain Will Rise.” Robitnytsia (Working Woman) 15 June 1937.

---. “Fascism Will Fall.” Robitnytsia (Working Woman) 15 June 1937.