

Last updated by Kaarina Mikalson on 21 August 2018

“Letters from Canadian Boys in Spain.” Advance: A Magazine For Youth. May 1937. Print.

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Russell, Ross. “The Spanish Civil War: Reminiscences of a Veteran of the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion.”  Norman Bethune: His Times and His Legacy. Eds. David A.E. Shephard and Andrée Lévesque. Ottawa: Canadian Public Health Association, 1982. 170-176.

Shephard, David A.E. and Andrée Lévesque, eds. (for The Bethune Foundation) Norman Bethune: His Times and His Legacy. Ottawa: Canadian Public Health Association, 1982.

Sise, Hazen. “The Vivid Air Signed With His Honour.” Norman Bethune: His Times and His Legacy. Eds. David A.E. Shephard and Andrée Lévesque. Ottawa: Canadian Public Health Association, 1982. 162.

Smith, A.E. “The Pathway Leads into Battle.” All My Life. Toronto: Progress Books, 1940. 192-200.

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Watts, Jean. “Spain is Different.” New Frontier 2.2 (June 1937): 12-14. Modernist Commons. Web. 20 June 2013.

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